9:30 AM-12:30 PM

Grades 1-5

*Tuition: $240 Members/$300 Non-Members

Class ID: ZE2A

*No class June 19

Design and create your own fairy garden. Decorate a container, filling it with soil and flowers, craft a stone path, and construct a house out of clay. On the last day of camp, you’ll create your own book.


1:00-4:00 PM


Grades 1-5

*Tuition: $240 Members/$300 Non-Members

Class ID: ZE2B

*No class June 19

Have fun exploring duct tape crafts and games, vibrant silk scarf painting, a polymer clay mini food project, and an artist trading card party.

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Imagine Art
Register for Imagine Art by week. You can register for a week of all morning classes, all afternoon classes, or both for a full week! To register for a full week, you must register for both the morning and afternoon session of a week. Please double check that it is the correct week and age level for your child before registering.
For information on becoming a WBCA member and saving on tuition, click here!
Imagine Art doodles