Amber Guetebier

Amber Guetebier is a writer, author of several books, and currently writing several more. She worked as an editor in publishing, both print and online, for most of her adult career before transitioning to writing full-time.


“This experience is enriching my life. I enjoy it immensely. Looking forward to the new ways you have embraced the writers in your community in the next catalog. So thankful.” –The Writer’s Well

“The class went beyond any expectations I had. Amber was an excellent teacher in many aspects. Very well prepared with a theme for each week, clearly explained each theme and very useful handouts for us to take home, treated each of us with tremendous respect and encouragement. Amber was always very engaged in the class and her easygoing manner made the class relaxed, not intimidating." –Spring Writing Intensive: Take Your Writing to the Next Level

“The class was excellent.  Amber was engaging and the pace was good.  I felt the more exercises we did the better I got as I got into a rhythm. We didn't even want to stop for a break; the class was fun.” –Descriptive Tricks for Wayward Writers