August 11-15 Camp
9:30 AM-12:30 PM
Grades 1-5
Tuition: $300 Members/$360 Non-Members
Class ID: ZE6A
Explore painting techniques through three days of decorative painting, followed by a day dedicated to ombre painting, and then wrap up the week with gelli printing.
1:00-4:00 PM
Grades 1-5
Tuition: $300 Members/$360 Non-Members
Class ID: ZE6B
Experiment with printmaking techniques such as linocut, collagraph, and monotype, using surfaces like paper, canvas and clothing. Then create suncatchers with watercolor and wax resist.

Register for Imagine Art by week. You can register for a week of all morning classes, all afternoon classes, or both for a full week! To register for a full week, you must register for both the morning and afternoon session of a week. Please double check that it is the correct week and age level for your child before registering.
For information on becoming a WBCA member and saving on tuition, click here!