Dallas Rising

Dallas Rising, E-RYT 500, is a yoga and meditation teacher specializing in accessible somatic approaches to mental health and wellbeing. In addition to teaching in traditional studio settings, she’s also taught in workplaces, schools, nonprofits, community centers, outdoors, and online. She’s been a figure model for over twenty years and loves to use artistic tools to access the benefits of mindfulness.

Dallas Rising

“I enjoyed the focus, the readings, and the techniques taught. I liked creating in community. It was fun. The class could have been a little longer and for more weeks. Dallas was great.” –Pages of Creativity: Old Books as Art Journals

“She did a great job. Very relaxing, fun, love the idea of a shared table where we could use each other supplies and any items they may no longer be using.” –Pages of Creativity: Old Books as Art Journals

WBCA Classes with Dallas: